- N. Hashimoto, M. Ando, Y. Watanabe, H. Tanigawa, Sink strength of grain boundaries for point defects in irradiated ferritic/martensitic steel, Mater. Charact., in press.
- 橋本 直幸,小特集・原子力・核融合における表面技術,”ハイエントロピー合金の照射損傷・腐食”,表面技術協会,75巻3号 p123-130.
- Mengke Niu, Naoyuki Hashimoto, Hiroshi Oka, Haotian Sun, Effects of Mn content on microstructure and mechanical properties of Co-free medium entropy alloys in the Cr-Fe-Mn-Ni system, Materials Transactions, Accepted.
- M. Niu, N. Hashimoto, H. Oka, H. Sun, Influence of He injection amount on the microstructure of ion irradiated Cr0.8FeMnNi medium entropy alloy compared with 316L stainless steel, Nucl. Mater. Energy. 40 (2024) 101728.
- S. Isobe, K. Shibata, Hydrogen storage and ignition properties of pelletized catalyzed magnesium, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 53 (2024) 517-521.
- H. Sun, T. Liu, H. Oka, N. Hashimoto, Y. Cao, R. Luo, Role of aging temperature on thermal stability of Co-free Cr0.8FeMn1.3Ni1.3 high-entropy alloy: Decomposition and embrittlement at intermediate temperatures, Mater. Charact. 210 (2024) 113804.
- H. Sun, T. Liu, N. Hashimoto, H. Oka, Effects of vacuum heat treatment on novel Co-free Al0⋅9Cr0⋅8FeMn0⋅8Ni2.0 eutectic high entropy alloy: Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties, Vacuum 222 (2024) 113038.
- H. Sun, N. Hashimoto, H. Oka, S. Isobe, T. Liu, Unveiling the effect of Ni interlayer on diffusion bonded reduced activation Cr0.8FeMnNi medium entropy alloy/316 stainless steel joint: Interfacial microstructure, diffusion behavior and mechanical properties, Mater. Charact. 206 (2023) 113443.
- H. Hashimoto, S. Isobe, N. Hashimoto, H. Oka, Synthesis of Li-Mg-Al-Ti based lightweight high entropy alloys by mechanical alloying and investigation of conditions for solid solution formation, J. Alloy. Metall. Syst. 4 (2023) 100037.
- H. Sun, N. Hashimoto, H. Oka, Vacuum diffusion bonding between CoCrNi-based concentrated solid solution alloys system and 316 stainless steel by spark plasma sintering, Mater. Sci. Eng. A. 879 (2023) 145297.
- H. Sun, Z. Luo, S. Wang, N. Hashimoto, H. Oka, Q. Liu, S. Isobe, Overcoming strength-ductility trade-off in CoCrNi medium entropy alloy by forming fine crescent grains in laser powder-bed fusion, Materials Letters 347 (2023) 134644.
- 岡 弘、橋本直幸、原子炉用低放射化ハイエントロピー合金の開発研究、まてりあ、 62 (2023) 164–168
- 橋本 直幸,金属 特集 ハイエントロピー合金研究の最前線 ”ハイエントロピー合金の耐照射特性評価”,アグネ技術センター 2022年1月.
- F. Guo, H. Oyama, H. Gi, K. Yamamoto, S. Isobe, T. Ichikawa, H. Miyaoka, T. Ichikawa, Corrosion performance of carbide/nitride/oxide (C/N/O)-based reactor during thermochemical hydrogen production by Na redox reaction, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 918 (2022) 165732.
- K. Shinzato, Y. Nakagawa, S. Yang, S. Isobe, T. Shibayama, H. Miyaoka, T. Ichikawa, Room-Temperature Hydrogen Absorption of Ti with Robust Surface Coated by Hexagonal Boron Nitride, ACS Applied Energy Materials 5 (2022) 951-957.
- Y. Zong, R. Ikubo, N. Hashimoto, H. Oka, Irradiation behavior of HfNbTaTiV in comparison of HfNbTaTiZr and F82H, J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 60 (2023) 859–865.
- P. Bi, N. Hashimoto, S. Hayashi, H. Oka, S. Isobe, Effect of Al on oxidation behavior of AlxCrCuFeNi2 (x = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6) high entropy alloys, Corrosion Science 208 (2022) 110697.
- H. Oka, T. Tanno, Y. Yano, S. Ohtsuka, T. Kaito, N. Hashimoto, Effect of nitrogen concentration on creep strength and microstructure of 9Cr-ODS ferritic/martensitic steel, J. Nucl. Mater. 572 (2022) 154032.
- N. Hashimoto, E. Wada, H. Oka, Effect of stacking fault energy on irradiation damage in reduced activation high entropy alloys, J. Nucl. Mater. 566 (2022) 153767.
- Y. Zong, N. Hashimoto, H. Oka, Study on irradiation effects of refractory bcc high-entropy alloy, Nucl. Mater. Energy. 31 (2022) 101158.
- H. Arashima, S. Masada, S. Isobe, N. Hashimoto, Crack propagation behavior of SNCM439 steels in high pressure hydrogen gas, ISIJ Int. 62 (2022) 1540–1547.
- H. Arashima, S. Masada, S. Isobe, N. Hashimoto, Effects of inclusions on the fatigue life of SNCM439 steel in high-pressure hydrogen gas, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 47 (2022) 25057–25065.
- P. Bi, N. Hashimoto, S. Hayashi, H. Oka, S. Isobe, Oxidation Behavior of Cu-Containing Concentrated Solid Solution Alloys under Steam Conditions, Mater. Trans. 62 (2021) 1716–1723.
- H. Arashima, S. Masada, Effect of Hydrogen on the Notch Tensile Strength of JIS SNCM439 Steel, Materials Transactions, Vol. 62, No. 8 (2021) 1133-1140.
- N. Noto, S. Isobe, Naoyuki Hashimoto, “Dehydrogenation properties of hydride-hydroxide systems containing potassium” Int J Energy Res. 2021;45(12):18237-18244.
- K. Shinzato, H. Gi, T. Murayama, M. Sadakane, Y. Wang, S. Isobe, T. Ichikawa, H. Miyaoka, “Catalytic Activities of Various Niobium Oxides for Hydrogen Absorption/Desorption Reactions of Magnesium” ACS OMEGA 2021
- Y. Nakagawa, T. Kimura, T. Ohki, S. Isobe, T. Shibayama, “Effect of mechanical milling on lithium-ion conductivity of LiAlH4”, Solid State Ionics 365, 115656, 2021
- J. Heo, N. Hashimoto, H. Oka, H. Noto, “Improvement of thermal conductivity by adding tungsten and/or copper wire in F82H”, J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 59 (2022) 216–221.
- N. Hashimoto, Y. Ono, “Mobility of point defects in CoCrFeNi-base High Entropy Alloys”, Intermetallics 133 (2021) 107182.
- Y. Abe, Y. Satoh, N. Hashimoto, “Migration energy of a self-interstitial atom in alpha iron estimated by in situ observation of interstitial clusters at low temperatures using high-voltage electron microscopy”, Philosophical Magazine 101 (2021) 1619-1631.
- J. Shi, N. Hashimoto, S. Isobe, “Cohesion properties of incoherent Fe/W interfaces: A DFT study”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 549 (2021) 152858.
- 橋本 直幸,ハイエントロピー合金:カクテル効果が生み出す多彩な新物性 ”6-3 核融合炉構造材料”,内田老鶴圃 2020年5月.
- H. Gi, K. Shinzato, R. Balgis, T. Ogi, M. Sadakane, Y. Wang, S. Isobe, H. Miyaoka, T. Ichikawa, “Effective Factor on Catalysis of Niobium Oxide for Magnesium”, ACS omega 5 (34), 21906-21912, 2020
- P. Pal, P. Kumari, Y. Wang, S. Isobe, M. Kumar, T. Ichikawa, A. Jain, “Destabilization of LiBH 4 by the infusion of Bi 2 X 3 (X= S, Se, Te): an in situ TEM investigation ” Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (48), 25706-25715, 2020.
- N. Hashimoto, T. Fukushi, E. Wada, W-Y Chen, “Effect of stacking fault energy on damage microstructure in ion-irradiated CoCrFeNiMnx concentrated solid solution alloys”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, (2020) 152642.
- L. Deng, M. T. Nguyen, J. Shi, Y. R. Chau, T. Tokunaga, M. Kudo, S. Matsumura, N. Hashimoto, T. Yonezawa, “Highly Correlated Size and Composition of Pt/Au Alloy Nanoparticles via Magnetron Sputtering onto Liquid”, Langmuir 36 (2020) 3004-3015.
- K. Shinzato, Y. Nakagawa, S. Hamamoto, Y. Hayashi, H. Miyaoka, S. Isobe, T. Shibayama, N. Ogita, T. Ichikawa, Surface Modification Effects of Graphite for Selective Hydrogen Absorption of Titanium at Room-Temperature, Chemical Communications (2020) 56, 7237-7240, DOI: 10.1039/D0CC03023F.
- Y. Nakagawa, T. Kimura, S. Isobe, T. Shibayama, Effects of Defective Boron Nitride Additives on Lithium-Ion Conductivity and Hydrogen-Desorption Properties of LiAlH4, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (19) (2020) 10398-10407.
- J. Shi, N. Hashimoto, S. Isobe, Behavior of hydrogen at Fe/W interface: a first-principle calculation study, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (2020) 57, 1223-1230, DOI: 10.1080/00223131.2020.1779143
- K. Asano, H. Kim, K. Sakaki, Y. Nakamura, Y. Wang, S. Isobe, M. Doi, A. Fujita, N. Maejima, A. Machida, T. Watanuki, R. J. Westerwaal, H. Schreuders, B. Dam, “Metallurgical Synthesis of Mg2FexSi1–x Hydride: Destabilization of Mg2FeH6 Nanostructured in Templated Mg2Si”, Inorganic Chemistry 59 (5) (2020) 2758-2764.
- T. Yamaguchi, K. Shinzato, K. Yamamoto, Y. Wang, Y. Nakagawa, S. Isobe, T. Ichikawa, H. Miyaoka, T. Ichikawa, “Pseudo catalytic ammonia synthesis by lithium–tin alloy”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (11) (2020) 6806-6812.
- N. Hashimoto, R. Kasada, B. Raj, M. Vijayalakshmi, “Radiation Effects in Ferritic Steels and Advanced Ferritic-Martensitic Steels”, Comprehensive Nuclear Materials, 2nd Edition, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.12051-X
- J. Shi, Y. Lei, N. Hashimoto, S. Isobe, Doping of Interstitials (H, He, C, N) in CrCoFeNi High Entropy Alloy: A DFT Study, Materials transactions 61 4 (2020) 616-621.
- W-Y Chen, M.A. Kirk, N. Hashimoto, J-W Yeh, X. Liu, Y Chen, “Irradiation Effects on Al0.3CoCrFeNi and CoCrMnFeNi High-Entropy Alloys, and 316H Stainless Steel at 500°C”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 539 (2020) 152324.
- Yu Lei, N. Hashimoto, S. Isobe, Cu-Containing High Entropy Alloys for Nuclear Fusion Application, Materials Transactions, 61 7 (2020) 1247-1251.
- M. Zushi, N. Hashimoto, D. Hanaguchi, Y. Watanabe, H. Tanigawa, Helium effect on the sink strength of grain boundaries in F82H, Nuclear Materials and Energy, 25 (2020) 100788.
- F. Tanaka, Y. Nakagawa, S. Isobe, N. Hashimoto, Hydrogen absorption/desorption properties of light metal hydroxide systems, International Journal of Energy Research 44 4 (2020) 2941-2951.
- Y. Abe, Y. Satoh, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, “Effects of the experimentally revealed one-dimensional migration behavior of self-interstitial atom clusters on the decreasing behavior of their number density in electron-irradiated α-iron”, Philosophical Magazine 100 (1) (2020) 110-125.
- Y. Hatano, T. Yokomine, T. Hinoki, N. Hashimoto, Y. Oya, T. Ohtsuka, M. Kondo, J. Miyazawa, T. Nagasaka, “Frontier Project 2019-2024”, J. Plasma Fusion Res. Vol.96, No.3 (2020)145-148.
- N. Hashimoto, K. Kurosaki, Recent activities in the field of nuclear materials and nuclear fuels, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 56 (2) (2019) 147-14.
- CH Lee, Y Nakagawa, S Isobe, N Hashimoto, S Sugino, H Miyaoka, T. Ichikawa, Synthesis of sodium-magnesium amidoborane by sodium amide: An investigation of functional properties for hydrogen/ammonia storage, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 801 (2019) 645-650.
- S. Goto, N. Hashimoto, “Effect of Heat Load on Microstructural Development in Irradiated Low Alloy Steels”, Nuclear Materials and Energy 16 (2018) 263-266.
- J. Shi, N. Hashimoto, “Study on Synergistic Effects of H and He in alpha-Fe”, Nuclear Materials and Energy 16 (2018) 212-216.
- Z. Chen, Y. Sawa, N. Hashimoto, “Development of F82H composite Materials with A High Thermal Conductivity”, Nuclear Materials and Energy 16 (2018) 133-136.
T. Zhang, Y. Wang, T. Song, H. Miyaoka, K. Shinzato, H. Miyaoka, T. Ichikawa, S. Shi, X. Zhang, S. Isobe, N. Hashimoto, Y. Kojima, “Ammonia, a Switch for Controlling High Ionic Conductivity in Lithium Borohydride Ammoniates” Joule (2018) Volume 2, Issue 8, Pages 1522-1533.
- S. Inoue, N. Hashimoto, “Microstructure Development during Aging in Electron-irradiated 316L Model Alloy”, Nuclear Materials and Energy 16 (2018) 46-51.
- Y. Suzuki, N. Hashimoto, “Microstructure change of duplex stainless steels after thermal aging and electron beam irradiation”, Nuclear Materials and Energy 15 (2018) 208-213.
- S. Chen, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, “Post-irradiation annealing behavior of helium in irradiated Fe and ferritic-martensitic steels”, Nuclear Materials and Energy 15 (2018) 203-207.
- K. Toyota, N. Hashimoto, “Microstructural evolution in Fe-Cr-Al alloys under irradiation”, Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, Vol. 82 (2018) 5 147-152.
- Y. Nakagawa, C.H. Lee, K. Matsui, K. Kousaka, S. Isobe, N. Hashimoto, S. Yamaguchi, H. Miyaoka, T. Ichikawa, Y. Kojima, “Doping effect of Nb species on hydrogen desorption properties of AlH3”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 734 (2018) 55-59.
- N. Hashimoto, S. Goto, S. Inoue, E. Suzuki, “Annealing effect on microstructure recovery in 316SS and A533B”, J. Nucl. Mater. 495 (2017) 1-5.
- T. Zhang, S. Isobe, A. Jain, Y. Wang, S. Yamaguchi, H. Miyaoka, T. Ichikawa, Y. Kojima, N. Hashimoto, “Enhancement of hydrogen desorption kinetics in magnesium hydride by doping with lithium metatitanate”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 711 (2017) 400-405.
- S. Yamaguchi, T.Ichikawa, Y. Wang, Y. Nakagawa, S. Isobe, Y. Kojima, H. Miyaoka, “Nitrogen Dissociation via Reaction with Lithium Alloys”, ACS Omega2 (2017) 1081-1088.
- Y. Nakagawa, K. Shinzato, T. Nakagawa, K. Nakajima, S.Isobe, K. Goshome, H. Miyaoka, T. Ichikawa, “Synthesis, structural characterization, and hydrogen desorption properties
of Na[Al(NH2BH3)4]”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (2017) 6173-6180. - Y. Yong, M. T. Nguyen, T. Yonezawa, T. Asano, M. Matsubara, H. Tsukamoto, Y. Liao, T. Zhang, S. Isobe, Y. Nakagawa, “Use of decomposable polymer-coated submicron Cu particles with effective additive for production of highly conductive Cu films at low sintering temperature”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5 (2017) 1033-1041.
Y. Nakagawa, S. Isobe, T. Ohki, N. Hashimoto, “Unique Hydrogen Desorption Properties of LiAlH4/h-BN composites”, Inorganics 5 (2017) 71.
Satoh Y., Abe Y., Abe H., Matsukawa Y., Kano S., Ohnuki S., Hashimoto N, “Vacancy effects on one-dimensional migration of interstitial clusters in iron under electron irradiation at low temperatures”, PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE 96(21) (2016) 2219-2242.
T. Zhang, S. Isobe, Y. Wang , C. Liu , N. Hashimoto, K. Takahashi, “Enhanced hydrogen desorption properties of LiAlH4 by doping lithium metatitanate”, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 18(39) (2016) 27623-27629.
- T. Zhang, Y. Nakagawa, T. Wakasugi, S. Isobe, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki,”Hydrogen absorption of Pd thin films observed by in-situ TEM with an environmental cell”, ACS applied materials & interfaces 2016, 8 (23),14548–14551.
- Y. Nakagawa, T. Zhang, M. Kitamura, S. Isobe, S. Hino, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, “A Systematic Study of the Effects of Metal Chloride Additives on H2 Desorption Properties of Ammonia Borane”, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 61 (5), 1924-1929.
- H. Oka, Y. Sato, N. Hashimoto S. Ohnuki, Evaluation of multi-layered hardness in ion-irradiated stainless steel by nano-indentation techniqeu, Journal of nuclear materials, 462 (2015) 470-474, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2015.01.062.
- K Hirai, S Isobe, K Sada, Gas-generated thermal oxidation of a coordination cluster for an anion-doped mesoporous metal oxide, Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 18468. (DOI)
- Y. Wang, T. Wakasugi, H. Nagakura, S. Isobe, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, An In-Situ, Environmental Cell-Holder of Conventional Transmission Electron Microscope and Its Applications, ,
- P.P. Liu, Q. Zhan, Z.Y. Fu, Y.P. Wei, Y.M. Wang, F.M. Wang, S. Ohnuki, F.R. Wan, Surface and internal microstructure damage of He-ion-irradiated CLAM steel studied by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds
- P.P. Liu, Y.M. Zhu, M.Z. Zhao, S.N. Jiang, C.X. Liu, Y.M. Wang, F.R. Wan, S. Ohnuki, Q. Zhan, The effect of isotope on the dynamic behavior of <100> vacancy-type dislocation loop in deuterium-implanted Fe, Fusion Engineering and Design,
- H. Nagakura, T. Wakasugi, K. Ohkubo, T. Tanioka, T. Endo, S. Isobe, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, Development of High Pressure Gas Environmental Cell and its Application to Hydrogen Reaction,
- R. Kurishiba, T. Endo, N. Miyazaki, Y. Wang, H. Oka, Y. Sato, A. Sawa, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, Multi-layer Method combined with Nano-indentation, FIB and XTEM for Nano-hardness Measurement,
- N. Hanada, T. Nakagawa, H. Asada, M. Ishida, S. Isobe, I. Saita, K. Asano, Y. Nakamura, A. Fujisawa, S. Miura, Dependence of constituent elements of AB5 type metal hydrides on hydrogenation degradation by CO2 poisoning, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 647(2015), 198-203.
- H. Oguchi, S. Isobe, H. Kuwano, S. Shiraki, S. Orimo, T. Hitosugi, Pulsed laser deposition of air-sensitive hydride epitaxial thin films: LiH, APL Materials 3, 9(2015), 096106.
- S. Isobe, K. Kudoh, S. Hino, K. Hara, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, Catalytic efficiency of Nb and Nb oxides for hydrogen dissociation, Applied Physics Letters 107, 8(2015), 081602.
- H. Miyaoka, Y. Wang, S. Hino, S. Isobe, K. Tokoyoda, T. Ichikawa, Y. Kojima, Kinetic Modification on Hydrogen Desorption of Lithium Hydride and Magnesium Amide System, Materials 8, 7(2015), 3896-3909.
- H. Tanaka, K. Ishikawa, M. Ishimaru, S. Isobe, M. Ohta, T. Kitashima, S. Hata, M. Hatakeyama, T. Furusawa, M. Matsuo, H. Miyaoka, Innovative Approach for Reduction and Effective Utilization of Rare Metal Elements in Energy-related Materials, Materia Japan, 2015, 54 (7) 333-334.
- Y. Wang, T. Wakasugi, S. Isobe, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, Interaction of electrons with light metal hydrides in the transmission electron microscope,
- E. Sugiarti, K. A. Zaini, Y Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, S. Hayashi, Effect of Pack Cementation Temperature on Oxidation Behavior of NiCoCrAl Coated Layer, DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1112.353.
- S. Isobe, K. Kudoh, S. Hino, K. Hara, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, Catalytic efficiency of Nb and Nb oxides for hydrogen dissociation,
- E. Sugiarti, K. A. Zaini, Y Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, S. Hayashi, Transmission Electron Microscopy of Meta-stable Al2O3 Scale Formed on NiCoCrAl Coated Layer During Isothermal Oxidation, Oxidation of Metals
- T. Zhang, S. Isobe, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, Lithium metatitanate enhanced solid–solid reaction in a lithium–nitrogen–hydrogen system, RSC Advances 5, 24(2015), 18375-18378
- T. Zhang , S. Isobe, M. Matsuo , S. Orimo, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, Effect of lithium ion conduction on hydrogen desorption of LiNH2-LiH solid composite, ACS Catalysis.(2015)(DOI)
- S. Sakuraya, K. Takahashi, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, The effect of point defects on diffusion pathway within α-Fe, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (2015) 175007.
- S. Chen, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, Helium irradiation
hardening in Fe, F82H-IEA and F82H-ODS steel, J. Plasma Fusion Res. SERIES, Vol. 11 (2015)
- N. Hashimoto , S. Sakuraya, J. Tanimoto, S. Ohnuki, Effect of impurities on vacancy migration energy in Fe-based alloys, J. Nucl. Mater. 445 (2014) 224–226.
- N. Hashimoto, S. Oie, H. Homma, S. Ohnuki, In-Situ Observations of Microstructure Evolution in Electron-Irradiated, Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes, Materials Transactions, Vol. 55, No. 3 (2014) 458-460.
- S. Sakuraya, K. Takahashi, S. Wang, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki : Physical
properties of α-Fe upon the introduction of H, He, C, and N, Solid State
Communications 195 (2014)70–73.
- S. Chen, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, Onset of plasticity of helium implanted ferritic/martensitic steels during nanoindentation, Philosophical Magazine Letters, Vol.94 Issues 7 (2014) 433-438.
- S. Chen, Y. Wang, K. Tadaki, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, Suppression
effect of nano-sized oxide particles on helium irradiation hardening in
F82H-ODS steel Journal of Nuclear Materials, 455 (2014) 301-305.
- Y. Nakagawa, Y. Ikarashi, S. Isobe, S. Hino, S. Ohnuki, Ammonia borane-metal alanate composites: hydrogen desorption properties and decomposition processes, RSC Advances 4 (2014) 20626-20631.
- S. Wang, M.L. Martin, P. Sofronis, S. Ohnuki, N. Hashimoto, I.M. Robertson, Hydrogen-induced intergranular failure of iron, Acta Materialia 69 (2014) 275–282.
- Y. Nakagawa, S. Isobe, Y. Ikarashi, S. Ohnuki, AB-MH (Ammonia Borane – Metal Hydride) Composites: Systematic Understanding of Dehydrogenation Properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (2014) 3926-3931.
- T. Zhang, S. Isobe, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, A Homogeneous Metal Oxide Catalyst Enhanced Solid-Solid Reaction in the Hydrogen Desorption of a Lithium-Hydrogen-Nitrogen System, ChemCatChem 6 (3), (2014) 724-727.
- T. Zhang, S. Isobe, Y. Wang, H. Oka, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, A metal-oxide catalyst enhanced the desorption properties in complex metal hydrides, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (12), (2014) 4361-4365.
- Y. Wang, T. Wakasugi, S. Isobe, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, Interaction of electrons with light-metal hydrides for transmission electron microscopy, Journal of Electron Microscopy, (DOI)
- H. Oka, M. Watanabe, S. Ohnuki, N. Hashimoto, S. Yamashita and S. Ohtsuka, Effects of milling process and alloying additions on oxide particle dispersion in austenitic stainless steel, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 447 (2014) 248-253.
- S. Chen, K. Tadaki, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, Effect of Oxide Particles and Pre-Implanted Helium on Defect Evolution during Electron Irradiation,: Materials Transactions, Vol. 55, No. 3 (2014) pp. 443-446.
- H. Oka, N. Hashimoto, T. Muroga, A. Kimura, M.A. Sokolov, T. Yamamoto and S. Ohnuki,Hardness distribution and tensile properties in an electron beam weldment of F82H irradiated in HFIR, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 455 (2014) 454-459.
- S. Isobe, A. Umeda, T. Wakasugi, Tao Ma, R. Yamagami, S. Hino, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, Microscopic Study on Hydrogenation Mechanism of MgH2 Catalyzed by Nb2O5, Materials Transactions, Vol. 55, No. 8 (2014) pp. 1175 to 1178, Special Issue on Advanced Materials for Hydrogen Energy Applications II.
- S. Eni, K. Zaini, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Hayashi and S. Ohnuki, Nano-Micro Characterization of NiCoCrAl Coating on Carbon Steel Substrate, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 896 (2014) pp 586-590.
- S. Isobe, Y. Ikarashi, Hao Yao, S. Hino, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, Additive Effects of TiCl3 on Dehydrogenation Reaction of LiAlH4, Materials Transactions, Vol. 55, No. 8 (2014) pp. 1138 to 1140, Special Issue on Advanced Materials for Hydrogen Energy Applications II.
- N. Hashimoto, J. Tanimoto, T. Kubota, H. Kinoshita and S. Ohnuki, Analysis of Helium and Hydrogen Effect on RAFS by means of Multi-beam Electron Microscope, J. Nucl. Mater. 442 (2013) S796-S799. (DOI)
- N. Hashimoto, H. Oka, T. Muroga, T. Nagasaka, A. Kimura, S. Ukai, T. Yamamoto and M.A. Sokolov, Irradiation Effect on Tensile Property of F82H IEA and Its Joint in TITAN Project, Materials Transactions, Vol. 54 (2013) No. 4, 442-445. (DOI)
- H. Oka, M. Watanabe, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, S. Yamashita and S. Ohtsuka, Morphology of oxide particles in ODS austenitic stainless steel, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 442, Issues 1-3, Supplement 1, November 2013, Pages S164-S168, 2013. (DOI)
- A.Jain, T. Ichikawa, E. Kawasako, H. Miyaoka, T. Ma, S. Isobe and Y. Kojima
Destabilization of LiH by Li Insertion into Ge, J. Phys. Chem. C, 117 (11), 2013, 5650-5657. (DOI)
- T. Nakagawa, T. Ichikawa, K, Shimoda, M. Tsubota, H. Miyaoka, S. Isobe, T. Homma, S. Michimura, F. Iga, S. Ohnuki and Y. Kojima, Microstructure and hydrogen desorption characteristics of hydrogenated ScH2-MBn (M = Mg and Ca) systems synthesized by mechanical milling, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013) 6744-6749. (DOI)
- S. Jiang, F. Wan, Y. Long, J. He, P. Liu, S. Ohnuki and N. Hashimoto, Effect of Deuterium Ion Implantation on Microstructures of Fe-M (M=V, W, Ta) Alloys
Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) Vol.26 No.3 pp. 303-306 June 2013.
- S. Jiang, F. Wan, Y. Long, J. He, S. Wang and S. Ohnuki, Effect of isotope on irradiation damage in pure iron. Gongneng Cailiao, Journal of Functional Materials, Vol. 44, No.2, pp 262-265 (2013).
- S. Wang, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, Hydrogen-induced change in core structures of {110} [111] edge and {110} [111]screw dislocations in body-centered cubic iron, Scientific Reports, 3:2760, DOI: 10. 1038/srep 02760. (DOI)
- S. Isobe, S. Yamada, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, Microscopic characterization of metal-carbon-hydrogen composites (metal=Li, Mg), Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 093509 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4820455.
- T. Ma, S. Isobe, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, Nb-gateway for hydrogen desorption in Nb2O5 catalyzed MgH2 nanocomposite, J. Phys. Chem. C, 117 (20), 2013, 10302 – 10307.
- H. Hayashi, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, Stability of precipitates in Zr-Nb alloy under high energy particle irradiation, J. Nucl. Mater. 442 (2013) S830-S833. (DOI)
- S. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Isobe, S. Ohnuki
Strain field of interstitial hydrogen atom in body-centered cubic iron and its effect on hydrogen-dislocation interaction, Scripta Materialia, Volume 68, Issue 5, March 2013, Pages 249-252. (DOI)
- T. Wakasugi, S. Isobe, A. Umeda, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, Development and Application of a Window-type Environmental Cell in High Voltage Electron Microscope, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (2013),Volume 580, 15, Pages S127-S130. (DOI)
- Y. Nakagawa, S. Isobe, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, L. Zeng, S. Liu, T. Ichikawa, Y. Kojima, Dehydrogenation process of AlH3 observed by TEM, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (2013),Volume 580, 15, Pages S163-S166. (DOI)
- C. Liu, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, M. Ando and K. Shiba, Dependence of Dose and He on Irradiation-Hardening of Fe-Ion Irradiation Fe-8Cr Model Alloy, Materials Transactions, Vol. 54, No.1(2013) pp.96-101.(DOI)
- H. Yao, S. Isobe, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, Transmission electron microscopic observations of the decomposition process of lithium alanate, International journal of hydrogen energy 38 (2013) 3689-3694.
- S. Wang, N. Hashimoto, Y. Wang, S. Ohnuki, Activation volume and density of mobile dislocation in hydrogen-charged iron, Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 4734-4742. (DOI)
- T. Zhang, S. Isobe, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, A solid-solid Reaction enhanced be an inhomogenious catalyst in the (de)hydrogenation of a lithium-hydrogen-nitrogen system, RCS Advances 3 18 (2013) 6311-6314. (DOI)
- S. Wang, S. Ohnuki N. Hashimoto, K. Chiba, Hydrogen Effects on Tensile Property of Pure Iron with Deformed Surface, Materials Science and Engineering A, vol(506): 332-338. (DOI)
- 礒部繁人、堂腰美妃、王永明、橋本直幸、大貫惣明、日野聡、市川貴之、小島由継, “透過電子顕微鏡によるLi2NH の水素化反応機構の検討”, 日本金属学会誌第77 巻第12 号 特集「固体中の水素と材料特性」(2013) 571-574.
- Tao Ma, S. Isobe, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, Catalytic Effect of Nb2O5 in MgH2-Nb2O5 Ball-Milled Composites, Catalysts, 2012, 2, 344-351.
- Wei Sun, Yi Long, Song Fu, Yuki Nakagawa, Fengxia Hu, Homogeneity of Curie temperature in La (Fe, Si)13 compounds by Co and C doping, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48 (2012) 3746-3748.
- Y. Zhu, F. Wan, J. Gao, W. Han, Y. Huang, S. Jiang, J. Qiao, F. Zhao, S. Yang, S. Ohnuki and N. Hashimoto, Mechanical property and irradiation damage of China Low Activation Martensitic (CLAM) steel, SCIENCE CHINA, Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, February 2012 Vol.55 No.2: 1-5, doi: 10.1007/s11433-012-4865-8.
- N. Hashimoto, N. Shiomi, H. Kinoshita and S. Ohnuki, Multiple-beam Irradiation Effects in Electron-Beam-Welded F82H Joint, Journal of Nuclear Materials,417:4 (2011) 1009-1012.
- N. Hashimoto, H. Tanigawa, H. Kinoshita and S. Ohnuki, Multiple-beam Irradiation Effects in Electron-Beam-Welded F82H Joint, J. Nucl. Mater., 417 (2011) 1009-1012.
- Eni Sugiarti, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki and T. Narita, Phase Characteristic of Re-based Diffusion Barrier Layer on Nb Substrate, Materials Transactions, Vol. 52, No.3 (2011)pp.319 – 323, Special Issue on New Trends for Micro-and Nano Analyses by Electron Microscopy, 2011.
- T. Nishi, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, T. Yamamoto, and G.R. Odette, Effects of Alloying Elements on Electron-irradiated Light Water Reactor Pressure Vessel Model Steels, J. Nucl. Mater., 417 (2011) 936-939.
- H. Seto, N. Hashimoto, H. Kinoshita and S. Ohnuki, Effects of multi-beam irradiation on defect formation in Fe-Cr alloys, J. Nucl. Mater., 417 (2011) 1018-1021.
- H. Oka, M. Watanabe, H. Kinoshita, T Shibayama, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, S. Yamashita, S. Ohtsuka, In-situ Observation of Damage Structure in ODS Austenitic Steel during Electron Irradiation, J. Nucl. Mater., 417 (2011) 279-282.
- C. Z. Yu, H. Oka, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, Development of damage structure in 16Cr-4Al ODS steels during electron-irradiation, J. Nucl. Mater., 417 (2011) 286-288.
- C. Liu, C. Z. Yu, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, M. Ando, K. Shiba, D. Hamaguchi and H. Leitner, Micro-structure and micro-hardness of ODS steels after ion irradiation, J. Nucl. Mater., 417 (2011) 270-273.
- J. H. Lee, R. Kasada, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawaand F. Abe, Influence of alloy composition and temperature on corrosion behavior of ODS ferritic steels, J. Nucl. Mater., 417 (2011) 1225-1228.
- N. Y. Iwata, T. Liu, P. Dou, R. Kasada, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, F. Abe, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki and T. Fujisawa, Effects of MA environment on the mechanical and microstructural properties of ODS ferritic steels, J. Nucl. Mater., 417 (2011) 162-165.
- P. Dou, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa and F. Abe, Effects of extrusion temperature on the nano-mesoscopic structure and mechanical properties of an Al-alloyed high-Cr ODS ferritic steel, J. Nucl. Mater., 417 (2011) 166-170.
- A. Kimura, R. Kasada, N. Y. Iwata, H. Kishimoto, C. H. Zhang, J. Isselin, P. Dou, J. H. Lee, N. Muthkumar, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa and T. F. Abe, Development of Al added high-Cr ODS steels for fuel cladding of next generation nuclear systems, J. Nucl. Mater., 417 (2011) 176-179.
- R. Kasada, S. G. Lee, J. Isselin, J. H. Lee, T. Omura, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa and F. Abe, Anisotropy in tensile and ductile-brittle transition behavior of ODS ferritic steels, J. Nucl. Mater., 417 (2011) 180-184.
- J. Isselin, R. Kasada, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa and F. Abe, Evaluation of fracture behavior of recrystallized and aged high-Cr ODS ferritic steels, J. Nucl. Mater., 417 (2011) 185-188.
- H. Yao, S. Isobe, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, Plastic Bag Method for Active Sample Loading into Transmission Electron Microscope, Journal of Electron Microscopy, 60(6) (2011) 375-378.
- H. Oka, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kinoshita, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, S. Yamashita and S. Ohtsuka, Characterization of oxide particles in ODS austenitic stainless steel after heavy ion irradiation up to high doses, MRS., Symposium Proceeding Vol. 1298 (2011).
- P. Dou, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa and F. Abe, Polymorphic and coherency transition of Y-Al complex oxide particles with extrusion temperature in an Al-alloyed high-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steel, Acta Materialia 59 (2011) 992-1002.
- Eni Sugiarti, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki and T. Narita, Cross-sectional TEM Characterization of Re-based Diffusion Barrier on Nb Substrate, Materials Science Forum Vol. 696 (2011) pp 318-323.
- T. Ma, S. Isobe, E. Morita, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, T. Kimura, T. Ichikawa and Y. Kojima, Correlation between Kinetics and Chemical Bonding State of Catalyst Surface in Catalyzed Magnesium Hydride, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36 (19) (2011) 12319-12323.
- S. Isobe, S. Ohnuki, W. I. F. David, M. Gutmann, M.O. Jones, P.P. Edwards, T. Ichikawa and Y. Kojima, Identifying Catalyst in Li-N-H System by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, Applied Physics Letters 99,(2011) 013101.
- S. Isobe, S. Ohnuki, W. I. F. David, M. Gutmann, M. O. Jones, P. P. Edwards, T. Ichikawa and Y. Kojima, Variable Temperature Neutron Diffraction Studies of Single Crystals of LiND2, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36 (13):7909-7913 2011.
- Y. Huang, F. Wan, X. Xiao, S. Ohnuki and N. Hashimoto, Microstructure change in deuterium implanted CLAM steel induced by electron irradiation, Science China-Physics Mechanics and Astronomy 54 (2011) 111-114.
- S. Isobe, A. Ono, H. Yao, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, Study on reaction mechanism of dehydrogenation of magnesium hydride by in situ transmission electron microscopy, Applied Physics Letters 96, 223109(2010).
- S. Takaya, T. Furukawa, M. Inoue, T. Fujisawa, T. Okuda, F. Abe, S. Ohnuki, A. Kimura, Corrosion resistance of Al-alloying high Cr ODS steels in stagnant lead-bismuth, J. Nucl. Mater. 398 (2010), 132-138.
- A. Ono, S. Isobe, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, In-situ TEM observation for reaction mechanism in MgH2 hydrogen storage material, J. Japan Inst. Metals 74 3 (2010) 205-208.
- E. Morita, A. Ono, S. Isobe, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, In-Situ TEM Observation for Dehydrogenation Mechanism in MgH2 with Catalyst, Materials Science Forum Vols. 654-656 (2010) pp. 2867-2870.
- H. Yao, H. Kawasaki, S. Isobe, Y. Wang, N. Hashimoto and S. Ohnuki, In-situ High-resolution TEM Observation for Decomposition of NaAlH4, Mater. Trans. 51 5 (2010) pp.1016-1019.
- N. Y. Iwata, R. Kasada, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, M. Inoue, F. Abe, S. Ukai, S. Ohnuki, T. Fujisawa, Microstructure and Tensile Properties of ODS Ferritic Steels Produced by Mechanical Alloying in Argon and Hydrogen Gas Environments, Materials Science Forum Vols. 654-656 (2010) pp. 166-169.
- H. Oka, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kinoshita, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki, S. Yamashita, S. Ohtsuka, Characterization of oxide particles in ODS austenitic stainless steel after heavy ion irradiation up to high doses, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 981E, Warrendale, PA, 2010.
- Y. Kojima, K. Tange, S. Hino, S. Isobe, M. Tsubota, K. Nakamura, M. Nakatake, H. Miyaoka, H. Yamamoto, T. Ichikawa, Molecular hydrogen carrier with activated nanohydride and ammonia, Journal of Materials Research, 24, 2185 (2009).
- N. Hanada, T. Ichikawa, S. Isobe, T. Nakagawa, K. Tokoyoda, T. Honma, H. Fujii, Y. Kojima, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Study on Valence State and Local Atomic Structure of Transition Metal Oxides Doped in MgH2, J. Phys. Chem. C., 113, 13450 (2009).
- H. Tanigawa, R. L. Klueh, N. Hashimoto, M. A. Sokolov, Hardening mechanisms of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated at 300 °C, J. Nucl. Mater. 386-388 (2009), 231-235.